Pets Life 從世界各地進口優質寵物用品和食品, 產品能夠照顧到由新

出生的幼犬或幼貓至年老的犬貓.  PetAg 貝克奶粉更是多年來供給各


除了能夠照顧到幼貓和幼犬初生的營養, Pets Life 所進口的食品和用 品也是十分優質, 會顧及各年齡寵物的需要.  隨著年齡的增長, Pets Life 也會關注年長寵物的健康,  進口不同營養補充品給年老的寵物, 避免營養過份流失. Pets Life imports high-quality pet supplies and food from all over the world, and we only import quality products. PetAg milk powder is the primary nutritional milk powder that has been supplied to major zoos for many years. In addition to being able to take care of newborn kittens and puppies, Pets Life also imports high-quality and will take into account the needs of pets of all ages.


除了現在代理的品牌, Pets Life 會不斷搜尋

新的產品, 提供給你的愛寵最優質的生活. 


In addition to the brands that are currently distributed, Pets Life will continue to search for new products to provide you and your pet with the best quality.

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